Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Big words=Smart

I've been a 311 fan for many years now, but I consider myself very open minded when it comes to music. And I can't help but think about how horribly unfair this article is. Andrew "Garbage Day" Miller gives his full opinion on the band and doesn't hold back in letting readers know what he thinks of not only 311, but the fans as well. I can more than respect his opinion, but he lost his credibility in my eyes when he continuously grouped together 311 listeners and bashed them over the head with a "stoner stick". There's also a few facts he has wrong about the band itself.

Check it.


Courtney said...

>:[ I don't like that guy... he's not very nice.

Moogster said...

Well he is a somethingawful goon. They tend to be relentless with their opinions.

Courtney said...

A goon, indeed. I understand being relentless with an opinion, but he was flat-out insulting 311 fans. Not cool, not cool.