Wednesday, July 1, 2009


It's been several months since my trip to Japan and now I'm finally bored enough to make an entry about all the funny crap we saw there. Here we go...

Proof that my brother hit his head on just about everything.

Not sure what to make of this one...
That was pretty much a giant twinkie sandwich scored from the 7-11 down the street.
I scored an awesome snack too.
There are many things in Japan that smile back at you.
Before 14 hour flight.
D: After.
Even the tissue boxes are cute in Japan.
Back when he was still 'Mr. Obama'.
Miritary store. As demonstrated by the army dudes.
Fuck yes.
Also fuck yes.
Judging by our faces we may have already been thoroughly buzzed.
Jetlag kicked my ass.
It's Ganon's castle.
I wonder if Mr.Jones knows he's a mascot for an obscure Japanese energy drink.
We held up traffic to get this picture...well worth it I'd say.

I'll post the 'nice' pictures another time...That's all for now.