Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chivalry is only 97% dead

I love the ladies first rule. It totally rocks. Not everyone enforces that rule, which is fine, but when they do, it's kind of nice. I suppose some men don't bother with chivalry anymore because it's further separating men from woman, so being chivalrous could be considered being sexist. I don't agree. I think it's very charming and it's just a guy trying to do a nice thing for a girl. I don't think it's degrading to woman in anyway, so why complain? Oh well.

I just saw the deleted ending to little shop of horrors. I've never seen the play so I never knew how the actual ending went. It's pretty damn depressing. I'm kind of glad they changed it. I mean, the whole damn movie is kind of depressing anyway so why do you need a sad ending? I always thought it was funny though, at the beginning of the movie, the three lady singers are dancing around all the poor people on skid row in fancy dresses. It's like they're mocking them. It's amusing. And Depressing! I mean, I enjoy a good sad story every now and then, as long as it's properly developed and has an intriguing story to it, but isn't the purpose of fiction to be able to write about whatever the hell you want? What makes people choose to write the most depressing story they can? I'm not exactly complaining but the world of fiction should be a place you can submerge yourself in to escape reality, not make you realize how much it sucks!

Surprisingly Disney is a famous perpetrator of this "Sadness" rule. Mufasa shouldn't have died damnit! Disney seems to be under the impression that someone close to you has to die in order for you to learn a vauluble lesson! Now I'm off to go watch Bambi to cheer me up...oh wait. Damn.

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