Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I'm a very spacey individual and it's sometimes difficult for me to stay on topic. I decided maybe it's time to start chronicling my life a little, or else I'm sure to forget. Follow it if you choose, either way, enjoy me attempting to blossom from a socially awkward college student to a responsible (and hopefully rich) adult.
Huzzah. April 17th. Not two days after my return from across the world, there was a world/inferno concert going on in the next town over. Being someone that swoons over the Dresden Dolls (who shares the same drummer, Brian Viglione) I couldn't miss it. To my surprise and eternal delight, a friend of mine was one of the bands opening for them. Backstage for me. Hell yes. Which meant being able to totally geek out in front of the guy who is my husband in fantasy land, Brian Viglione.
How could things get much better? Well as it turns out May 16th had a pleasant surprise in store for me as well. Pepper, a reggae-rock band from Hawaii, was playing at Terminal 5 in NYC. Hello opportunity, nice to see you again. So a few friends and I hopped on a train and endured the rotten smell of NYC. As an added treat, Pepper did an acoustic preview and a meet and greet in a Volcom store on Broadway. Here's a little taste.
See more at my youtube, Here. After their mini concert, we (and by we I mean mostly me, my friends had already met the band before) had the immense pleasure of meeting with them, chatting with them and getting a photo with them.
Afterward, we hopped in a cab and booked it over to Terminal 5. As luck would have it, Brett, the bassist of Pepper, hooked us up with some all access backstage passes. How fucking lucky can one person get? Being able to watch people crowd surf from the second floor was great. Free beer and free freedom. It was totally awesome. Pepper was actually sharing the spotlight with Pennywise that night so they weren't the ones to close the show. Still awesome. The only other time I've seen Pepper live was at the Jones Beach Amphitheater when they opened for 311 in 2005. Now THAT was a 311 concert. Now is it weird that I report on this before I even touch on my 9 days spent in a foreign country? Yeah...a little.
I range from being an incurable extrovert to a socially awkward dork. I hail from New York but I recently migrated south, like we all do at some point in our lives. I suppose I found myself a bit hasty.